Monday, March 03, 2014

Episode 12: Bored

So it's been one week since surgery: Monday to Monday. The nurses are pleased. They say I'm healing really well and obviously had an excellent surgeon. My arm is sore. I could be taking more Tylenol. It does get a lot of exercise though since I'm left handed so that's good. I'm up and moving, making my own coffee, sitting on the sofa with the laptop. Today I'll wash up and do my hair (with help). Tomorrow, I see the surgeon for a follow-up and to find out the results of the pathology. Chemo? Radiation? Nothing? Who knows?

I heard about this one man who went to see his doctor. He said, "Doc, I'm in pain. When I touch my leg, it hurts. When I touch my arm, it hurts. When I touch my neck, it hurts." So the doctor ordered a bunch of tests and had the lab look at everything. After about a week, they called the man at home and said, "Well, we have the results of your tests. Your finger is broken."

Say goodnight, Gracie.


  1. Hope you are feeling better each day. I had no idea you were such a fine writer. You sure know how to throws some punches, and punch lines. Reminded me of the Japanese art of Rokugo popularized by Canadian Katsura Sunshine, see If you get bored, this could be good medicine. Adam.

    1. Hi! Thank you for the compliment. I hope you're enjoying the blog. And thank you for the link. That was indeed very good medicine. I am getting my strength back but it's not good for the mind to be sitting around like I am. I need to get moving soon.

  2. Don't let a broken finger keep you down
    It will get better soon
    Keep ��
